iOS Deploy

Run everytime before you build want to build app in XCode when have changed code in /src

ionic cordova prepare ios --prod

If building debug version then you should not use --prod for save time

Opening a Project in XCode

Simple open .xcworkspace file in /platforms/ios/ with Xcode.

Build and Run your app

There are too many documents about Build and Run application in XCode. You can easy search and read Official XCode document

OneSignal iOS Service Extensions (Optional)

Our app support send notifications to users mobile device using OneSignal.

It already setup and working fine, but in iOS if you want support more advanced notification features then need config more by yourself.

  1. Setup iOS Service Extensions (from 4.3 to 4.10). Make sure to use Objective-C language.

  2. After done above, continue setup iOS SDK App Groups (only step 2)